Thursday, May 7, 2009

World of blogs...

Went to the Stitches and Craft show on the weekend, and was inspired to get back to the sewing machine! Bought some beautiful fabric from Ink & Spindle and kristen doran design (I haven't worked out how to link things properly fact I haven't figured out much when it comes to this blogging malarky!).

So, through the miracle of a public holiday, on Monday I made myself a new bag. When I finished it, my first thought was the panel is 'upsidedown or back to front or something.....' it just didn't look right. But, as it turns out, it looks perfect when I wear it! Hurrah!


  1. That is quite possibly the most beautiful bag I've ever seen, Em. If I could sew like that, I'd be one happy little nanna. Will send you some photos of my curtains i sewed using the nano iro fabric. Got any top tips for sewing cushin covers?

  2. That was meant to be "cushion" ...
